WordPress Plugin Documentation

Getting Started

The first step in using MetaBet is installing the WordPress plugin. Check the Plugins page in the WordPress dashboard for your site, and make sure MetaBet Core is installed.


Our plugin provides shortcodes you can use to add widgets and full-page experiences to your site. Shortcodes are just snippets of text inside square brackets like: [metabet_core_odds_board site_id="INSERT_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE" league="nfl"] or [metabet_core_futures_board site_id="INSERT_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE" league="nba"].

Embed Catalog

The easiest way to start adding shortcodes to your site is to visit our Embed Catalog. You can browse through Games, Leagues, Teams, and Players, and find the exact widget you'd like to include. Be sure that "WordPress" is the selected format and not "HTML/JS". You can preview Game Tiles, Odd Compare Tiles, Prop/Futures Tiles, and Dyanmic Odds includes, and copy and paste them directly into your site.

Site IDs and Other Modifiers

Each shortcode has default preferences, but you can use modifiers to tweak the behavior of each one. The most important modifier of all, the only one that is required, is site_id. This modifier lets the shortcode know which site it will be running on and which customizations should be loaded up.

There are hundreds of different combinations of modifiers, and we've included examples of how you can use them below. If you're looking for a specific modifier, check out the list at the bottom of this page.

Game Tile

Game Tile for the Next Dallas Cowboys Game
[metabet_core_game_tile query="nfl/cowboys"]
728x90 Game Tile for the Next MLB Game
[metabet_core_game_tile size="728x90" query="mlb"]

Odds Compare Tile

Odds Compare Tile for the Next Kansas City Chiefs Game
[metabet_core_odds_compare query="nfl/chiefs"]
350x300 Odds Compare Tile for the Next NHL Game
[metabet_core_odds_compare size="350x300" query="nhl"]

Parlay Tile

You can configure a Parlay Tile using our Parlay Builder.

Prop Tile

Prop Tile for Lebron James
[metabet_core_side_odds_tile query="nba/lebron_james"]
350x350 Prop Tile for the Winner of the NFC North
[metabet_core_side_odds_tile size="350x350" query="nfl/nfl_winner_nfc_north"]

Dynamic Odds

Money Line for the home team in the next Yankees Game
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="mlb/new_york_yankees" market="moneyLine-home"]
Over/Under for the next Yankees Game
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="mlb/new_york_yankees" market="overUnder"]
Over/Under Over Price for the next Yankees Game
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="mlb/new_york_yankees" market="overUnder" piece="over"]
Over/Under Under Price for the next Yankees Game
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="mlb/new_york_yankees" market="overUnder" piece="under"]
Green Bay Packers to win the NFC North Price
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="nfl/green_bay_packers" market="nfl/nfl_winner_nfc_north"]
Brooklyn Nets Regular Season Win Total Line and Over Price
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="nba/brooklyn_nets" market="nba/nba_season_wins"]
Brooklyn Nets Regular Season Win Total Line
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="nba/brooklyn_nets" market="nba/nba_season_wins" piece="line"]
Brooklyn Nets Regular Season Win Total Over Price
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="nba/brooklyn_nets" market="nba/nba_season_wins" piece="over"]
Brooklyn Nets Regular Season Win Total Under Price
[metabet_core_dynamic_odds query="nba/brooklyn_nets" market="nba/nba_season_wins" piece="under"]

Odds Board

Standard Odds Board
Start with NFL selected
[metabet_core_odds_board league="nfl"]
Start with MLB selected, showing at most 5 games
[metabet_core_odds_board league="mlb" rows="5"]
Start with Money Line selected
[metabet_core_odds_board market="moneyLine"]
Start with the NFL Money Line, pinned to Week 8, and hide the Consensus Column
[metabet_core_odds_board league="nfl" market="moneyLine" roundname="Week 8" hide_consensus="yes"]

Futures Board

Standard Futures Board
Start with NFL selected
[metabet_core_futures_board league="nfl"]
Start with NBA selected
[metabet_core_futures_board league="nba"]
Only show DraftKings, PointsBet, and MGM
[metabet_core_futures_board providers="draftkings, pointsbet, mgm"]
Hide the Consensus Column and the Location Selector
[metabet_core_futures_board hide_consensus="yes" hide_location="yes"]

Parlay Calculator

Standard Parlay Calculator

Prop Shop

Standard Prop Shop

Full List of Modifiers


Adding show_granular="yes" adds a dropdown to Game Tiles, letting users choose individual sections of a game to focus on, like 1st Quarter or 2nd Half.


Products that have a visible sport or league dropdown can have a default set using this modifier. league="nba" would default the dropdown to NBA and league="nfl" code would default to the NFL.


A geographic location can be set by including this modifier. Including location="pa" would only show prices from Pennsylvania, location="nj" would only show prices from New Jersey.

market (Game Tile, Odds Board)

You can set the default market for Tiles or an Odds Board by including market="spread", market="moneyLine", or market="overUnder". The Odds Board has an additional option, market="smart-moneyLine" that will show Money Line for MLB, NHL, and Soccer, but show Spread for every other sport.

market (Odds Compare)

The market modifier lets you choose the line to compare across multiple books. You can choose from market="spread-away", market="spread-home", market="moneyLine-away", market="moneyLine-home", and market="overUnder".

market (Dynamic Odds)

View the full list of supported markets.

market (Futures Board)

You can set the default market for the Futures Board via this modifier, when used along with the league modifier. You can choose a value from the full list of supported markets.


Used with Game Tiles, this modifier changes the display from showing lines for a full game to showing lines for a specific period like 1st Quarter or 2nd Half. The allowed values are: FirstPeriod, SecondPeriod, FirstHalf, FirstFiveInnings, ThirdPeriod, FourthPeriod, and SecondHalf. You can also use the abbreviated versions: 1P, 1Q, 2P, 2Q, 1H, 3P, 3Q, 4Q, 2H.


Each site has a pre-configured list of sportsbooks that will be used, but you can override this for any individual shortcode by specifying a list of books in order. Adding providers="draftkings, pointsbet, mgm" to a Game Tile would limit the lines shown to just those three books. Adding it to an Odds or Futures Board would limit the columns to just those three, in that order. The full list is: BET_365, BET_RIVERS, DESERT_DIAMOND, DRAFTKINGS, FANDUEL, MGM, POINTSBET, SPORTS_INTERACTION, SPORT_888, SUGAR_HOUSE, TIPICO, UNIBET, WILLIAM_HILL (aka Caesars), and WYNN.


This modifier is used with Dynamic Odds whenever an Over/Under line is being displayed. By default, the Line and the Over price in parentheses will be displayed, for example: 48.5 (-110). If you'd like to show just the Line, just the Over price, or just the Under price, you can include a modifier of piece="line", piece="over", or piece="under".


This modifier is used with Props/Futures Tiles to move a player or team to the top of the list. Lines are shown in price order by default, and this allows you to prioritize an entry that's usually lower on the list. For example, you could prioritze the Orioles and the Red Sox in the World Series market with [metabet_core_side_odds_tile query="mlb/mlb_winner" priority="orioles, red sox"].


When using Dynamic Odds, setting show_provider="yes" will add the logo of the sportsbook next to the line.


This important modifier tells a Tile what it should display. To have a Game Tile show the lines for the next Cowboys, use query="nfl/cowboys". To have a Prop/Futures Tile show lines for Lebron James, use query="nba/lebron_james". To show lines for a specific market like AL MVP or Winner of the NFC North, the query should be one of our supported markets.


Use this modifier with an Odds Board to choose the initial round of games to be displayed, like roundname="Week 4", roundname="Week 8", roundname="Preseason Week 3". Additional values for the NFL Playoffs include roundname="Wild Card Round", roundname="Divisional Round", roundname="Conference Championships", roundname="Super Bowl".


This modifier can limit the number of rows displayed. Including rows="10" would limit a product to it's first 10 rows or results.


Use this modifier to set the width and height of a Tile, such as size="350x300" or size="728x90". To have a tile span the entire width of a section you can use percentages, like size="100%x150"


The default style we use for displaying odds is classic, American-style odds (+200). You can also use style="modern" ($30), style="modern-cents" ($30.00), style="decimal" (3) or style="fraction" (3/1).

Adding show_search="yes" adds a search box so users can search for a team or player in the Odds and Futures Boards.


Including hide_consensus="yes" will hide the Consensus column in Odds and Futures boards.

hide_league, hide_market, hide_location

You can use hide_league="yes", hide_market="yes", and/or hide_location="yes" to hide navigation dropdowns in Odds and Futures Boards.